This cohort will meet after Sunday morning service once a month for four sessions. There will also be a morning retreat on Saturday, April 12th.
Together, we will explore the foundational teachings of the historic Christian faith using the Anglican catechism To Be a Christian. We’ll also reflect on what it means to follow Christ in the Anglican tradition by reading and discussing Thomas McKenzie’s The Anglican Way.
This cohort is intended for anyone wanting to grow in their faith and deepen their understanding of our Anglican faith and spirituality.
The cohort leads to an opportunity for confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation when Bishop Todd visits on May 25th.
The cohort is required preparation for adults who wish to receive wish to be confirmed (or for those who were already confirmed in another tradition and wish to be received into the Anglican church or for those who walked away from the church and wish to reaffirm their faith). Please register here.
Adult Confirmation Preparation Class Schedule:
Class 1 - Sunday, February 23rd, 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Class 2 - Sunday, March 23rd, 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Day Retreat - Saturday, April 12th, 9am - 1pm. Class 3 - Sunday, April 27th, 12:30pm - 2:30pm Class 4 - Sunday, May 11th, 12:30-2:30
Dinner with Bishop Todd Hunter - Saturday, May 24th, 6pm -7:30pm
Confirmation - Sunday, May 25th, 10am