Sunday, October 13th we’re excited to begin another round of 9am classes for adults and kids. We’re diving a little deeper into our value of Generosity in our Becoming Incarnation People series. Harrison Brooks is going to lead this four-week class on Generosity for adults and teenagers. It will focus on both spiritual and practical aspects of Generosity – including conversation about how Christians can engage Generosity with our finances.
Victoria Schwartz will be leading our children (2nd-5th grade) in a class on Generosity as well–focusing on the parables from Jesus on stewardship. Helping our children recognize that all they have comes from God and beginning to build an imagination for offering back to God what we have been given.
The classes will be four weeks 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 and 11/10. Childcare provided for children younger than 2nd grade.