Thursdays beginning January 28 through March 25 from 7:30-9pm
In times of uncertainty and instability, our inclination is often to turn inward, focusing our time, attention, and even life with God exclusively on our own health and security. While this may be understandable, it falls short of one of the primary goals of the Christian faith: to give our lives away for the sake of others.
Join us for a 9 week journey through the book Practices of Love: Spiritual Disciplines for the Life of the World. Trinity Northside will reflect on this book together in two primary ways. First, each chapter will be introduced in the Sunday sermon and integrated into the assigned lectionary readings. Following this, you are invited to join a weekly Zoom small group on Thursday evenings, which will serve as a space to unpack the themes of the week and seek practical and specific ways to grow in your love for God and neighbor.
**Note: Amazon has limited quantities of this book. However, we made a bulk purchase directly from the publisher and have the book available on Sundays at Roam for $13 per book.