There is a light.

For many of us in this moment, the world feels darker than we had hoped. But there is Good News: there’s a light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overcome it.

At Church of the Incarnation, we’re discovering the light together as we begin a new year.

Join us on Sundays in January to experience the season of Epiphany where we celebrate the light of Christ breaking into a dark world—a light that brings new beginnings and transforms your life.

Let’s explore questions about life and faith, together.

What to Expect

When We Gather

Sundays at 10AM
Worship + Sermon + Communion

Where we gather

5522 New Peachtree Rd, #127
Chamblee, GA 30341

What We offer

Free Coffee & Dandy’s Donuts
Kids Program: Birth-Fifth Grade

Our mission is to be a sign of God’s beauty, goodness, and truth—for the sake of our city.

We are a growing Anglican Church in North Atlanta that exists to become a sign of God’s beauty, goodness, and truth for the sake of our city. Join us as we learn to practice our faith in a way that changes us and benefits others.